Maintenance Work Environment and the Interacting Multidisciplinary Concerns using Multicriteria Techniques
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2021.22
Fuzzy environment, fuzzy entropy weighting approach, FGRAAbstract
The work environment significantly impacts on the workers' performance in modern-day manufacturing and should be a subject of further investigations for improved manufacturing performance. Nonetheless, the interactions among the physical, organisational and system safety factors remain unclear, amplifying efforts to effectively control the performance of the workforce. In the research, the investigators examined a framework that tests the interaction among fifteen selected factors which indicates work environment. The researchers utilized fuzzy entropy weighting and fuzzy grey relational analysis to develop a model that was tested in four manufacturing systems, using the fifteen factors selected from literature. The investigators conducted normalisation, determination of coefficient for grey relations, membership function determination and class selection procedure with applications to the fifteen factors selected. All maintenance systems had highly conducive environmental aggregates (Company A, Company C and Company D are 0.9400, 0.9442 and 0.8667 respectively) but one failed (Company B=0.7482). This suggests that the three healthy systems can effectively plan for performance improvement programmes such as productivity and quality drives. Work environment plays a crucial function in the corridor of performance analysis of manufacturing concerns. Consequently, the work environmental framework suggested should be a typical appraisal scale for manufacturing systems. Intervention using the proposed framework is necessary to enhance manufacturing system performance. The interactions among the fifteen selected factors of work environment show a healthy status in 75% of the cases considered. The feasibility of modelling the problem using the emerging models of fuzzy-based criteria was confirmed.
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