The Thermal Foaming of Solid Sodium Silicate for Thermo-Sensing Applications
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2021.16
Sodium silicate, thermal foaming, phase transformation, amorphous, thermal switchAbstract
Sodium silicate solution was dried and slowly solidified in amorphous phase. After heat was supplied, the dried solid sodium silicate droplet transformed to sodium silicate foam without the liquid boiling mechanism. During the solid state foam formation, the amorphous phase is deformed and partially recrystallized. The structure of foam grows in semi 2 dimensions and become a thin bubble crust. This transformation was anisotropic, and depended on the heating rate. The residual water in solid sodium silicate played a major role in the foaming mechanism. The solid form of sodium silicate is highly portable and be functionalized as devices. It was integrated in thermo-sensing applications such as fire alarm sensor and autovent by using the property of the large volume expansion.
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