Multiple-Barcode Verification using Image Processing Technique for Mobile Phone Packaging
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2021.23
Multiple-barcode verification, image processing, working time reduction, NI visionAbstract
Barcodes play an important role for industrial manufacturing and packaging processes or inspections due to their fast, cheap and relatively high accuracy compared to human’s recognition. However, most barcode readers can read only one barcode at a time while some inspection processes would require multiple barcode reading for saving working time of operators. This research proposes a multiple-barcode verification using the commonly used NI Vision image processing program for mobile phone packaging process. The verification system consists of cameras with a lighter and a NI Vision 2018 image processing program. The program read 8-20 barcodes at a time from a photograph captured by the fixed-position camera. The experimental test results showed that the proposed system spent only 5-7 seconds for 10-barcodes verification, which was faster than the human’s operation with one-by-one scanning (19-27 seconds) and thus save working time by 3-4 times. In addition, the proposed system also provided high accuracy of 98.64%, which was better than human’s operation (94.04%) by 4.60%.
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