The Selection of the Network Marketing Locations and Vehicle Routing for Rubber in the Lower Southern Part of Thailand
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2021.21
Network Marketing Location, Vehicle Routing, Adaptive Large Neighborhood SearchAbstract
For rubber transportation process, the farmers or rubber sellers usually deliver their whole raw rubber products to sale the central rubber markets. This could cause high transport costs; especially, those who are away from the markets. This research presents a method to reduce these costs by selecting the proper network market locations and vehicle routings for rubber delivering for the lower southern region of Thailand was considered, which currently had 503 sellers and 2 central rubber markets. The solution was divided into 3 sub-methods. The first sub-method is to initiate solution by using K-mean clustering method. The second sub-method is the algorithm to solve the vehicle routing. The last sub-method is the optimization improved with Adaptive Large Neighbor Search (ALNS). The analytical results revealed that there were 12 appropriated locations including 2 locations with the unlimited capacities, the small network markets are 7 locations, the large network markets are 3 locations. The total delivery cost was 227,231.73 baht per day.

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