Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness of the Plaster Mold Process using Lean Manufacturing Principles
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2023.17
Overall equipment effectiveness, availability rate, performance rate, quality rate, plaster moldAbstract
The purpose of this research was to improve the production process for plaster molds by utilizing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Data collected prior to the improvement revealed low performance due to lost time during preparation, movement, and waiting. Lean tools such as work studies, flow process charts, and man-machine charts were used to identify the root causes of these issues. The issues can be categorized using seven waste principles, including transportation and walking that is excessive. Defects occurred during the process. A machine idles occurred during the process. There was too much worker motion in the process. An extra-process was taken because the defective parts had to be repaired. Improvements were made using lean manufacturing, separating internal and external work, and ECRS principles, resulting in an increase in performance rate from 42.27% to 90.34%, an increase in overall equipment effectiveness from 38.18% to 81.56%, and a 25% decrease in the number of workers from 8 to 6. The labor productivity rate increased from 0.140 to 0.145 set per person per hour. Improved overall equipment effectiveness leads to increased process efficiency and productivity. As a result, it is one of the most effective tools for process improvement.
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