Energy Efficiency Evaluation for Buildings with Solar Window Technology using BEC Codes of Thailand: Case Study of Skyscrapers in Nanning, China
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2024.10
Building energy codes, energy efficiency evaluation, solar window technology, solar energyAbstract
Energy efficiency and management for buildings plays a more and more important role for modern and smart city development worldwide, especially for glass buildings. The new technology of solar windows allows possibility of increasing renewable energy (RENEW) utilization while decreasing the overall total thermal transfer value (OTTV) based on most global Building Energy Codes. This research proposed an empirical study that explicitly confirmed the successive profile when utilizing solar windows for glass buildings compared to conventional glass windows. Three skyscrapers in Nanning, China (China Resources Center, Nanning Long Guang Century, and Guangxi Financial Plaza) when implementing with the hot summer and warm winter zone BEC such one of Thailand were investigated due to similarity of their annual weathers. The test results showed that the OTTV of the buildings was greatly reduced from 134.90 – 167.30 W/m2 to 29.30-40.49 W/m2, which was 3.89-4.96 times reduction. The additional renewable energy of 3,525-4,526 MWh/year was generated for solar windows compared with 0 MWh/year the standard glasses, which covering 87-92.2% of the total energy consumption for the buildings (4,058-4911 MWh/year). However, when considering in terms of investment cost, the implementation of solar windows was extremely expensive, reflected by all negative net present value (NPV) of -42 to -64 MRMB. These results revealed that replacing solar windows significantly provided high energy efficiency with additional green energy production, as well as the feasibility of using BEC of Thailand for Naning-Guangxi of China, but extremely high investment cost would still be the main challenge for further research.
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