A Comprehensive Review of Utilization of Construction and Demolition Waste as Fine Aggregate in Concrete
fine aggregates, construction demolition waste, dismantled building componentsAbstract
In the dynamic landscape of the Asian region, particularly in India, a lot of waste is produced through construction and demolition operations, such as masonry dust and concrete debris. Growing interest in recycling and reusing these materials has arisen in response to environmental concerns around trash disposal. One possible way to repurpose this material is to utilize Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) as a fine aggregate in concrete. Most researchers studying natural fine aggregate and its properties also study query dust as a fine aggregate but very little research work for fine aggregate produced from CDW. This review paper intends to offer a thorough analysis of the literature in this area, emphasizing the components and mechanical characteristics of concrete containing CDW. The review begins by discussing the sources and composition of C&D waste, highlighting the diverse range of materials that can be repurposed, including crushed concrete, brick, ceramic, and asphalt. Various techniques for processing and preparing C&D waste for incorporation into concrete are explored, emphasizing the importance of proper sorting, cleaning, and size reduction to ensure compatibility and quality. Furthermore, this research evaluates the mechanical, durability, and sustainability aspects of concrete containing C&D waste as fine aggregate. Studies indicate that while including C&D waste may slightly reduce compressive strength, it often enhances flexural strength and mitigates the adverse effects of shrinkage and cracking. Additionally, concrete with C&D waste exhibits comparable or even superior durability performance, attributed to the pozzolanic and filler impact of the recycled materials.
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