Enhancing Small and Medium Enterprises in Phayao, Thailand: Socio-Economic Impact of Greenhouse Solar Drying for Andrographis Paniculata
greenhouse solar drying, Andrographis paniculata, mathematical modeling, social return on investment analysis, small and medium enterprisesAbstract
This study has examined the influence of varied drying air temperatures and the application potential of greenhouse solar drying (GSD) technologies in the drying kinetics of Andrographis paniculata during summer, rainy, and winter seasons. The results indicated that the trends for the predicted and observed values are highly analogous. Specifically, an increase in the coefficient of determination (R²) ranging from 0.9963 to 0.9992, a decrease in the root mean square error (RMSE) ranging from 0.0002 to 0.0022, and a reduction in chi-square values ranging from 0.0000 to 0.0005, demonstrated the feasibility and accuracy of all the models implemented. The moisture content analysis revealed a significant difference between GSD and natural convection drying methods. Using open sun drying, the final moisture content of Andrographis paniculata was reduced to approximately 12% after 7 days and further to a minimum of 9% after 14 days. In contrast, the GSD method decreased the final moisture content to less than 7% within just 2 days, highlighting its superior efficiency. From an economic perspective, the GSD system proved to be highly efficient and cost-effective. Despite the higher initial capital costs compared to natural convection systems, the life cycle costs of the GSD were lower than other previously studied solar drying systems. The economic feasibility was further supported by a swift payback period of 3.1 years, indicating a quick recovery of the initial investment relative to the system's lifespan. Additionally, the social impact assessment conducted using Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis showed promising results. The SROI ratios for 2021, 2022, and 2023 were 2.09, 2.48, and 2.87 respectively, all well above the benchmark value of 1.00. This indicates a significant positive return, reflecting substantial social value and benefits to stakeholders and society. In conclusion, the GSD system not only offers superior drying performance and economic benefits but also generates substantial social value. Its implementation is both economically sustainable and socially beneficial, making it a highly advantageous technology for drying applications.
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