Prevalence of Haplorchoides sp. Metacercariae and Comparative Morphology of Infected and Uninfected Scales in Cyprinoid fishes from Li River, Lamphun Province

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Nareerat Chaiwang
Preeyaporn Butboonchoo
Chalobol Wongsawad


Cyprinoid fish has been reported to have a large number of metacercariae, particularly the Haplorchoides metacercaria. In this study, the prevalence of Haplorchoides metacercaria was carried on 34 spiny barb fishes (Mystacoleucus marginatus) and 13 bonylip barb fishes (Osteochilus vittatus) collected during August 2017 to March 2018 from the Li River in Lamphun province of Thailand. Morphology of infected scale was observed under light and scanning electron microscope (LM and SEM). The results revealed 100% Haplorchoides metacercarial infection was prevalence in spiny barb fishes. The highest prevalence was found in the scales of the head part (55.2%), followed by the body part (41.3%) and the tail part (34.9%). However, the prevalence of such infection was observed for 69.2% in bonylip barb fishes which was highest in the head part (27.2%), followed by the body part (23.6%) and the tail part (22.3%). The recovered Haplorchoides sp. metacercaria was rounded shape with 2 cyst wall layers. The larval stage within cyst revealed the body surface covered with spines, saccular-shaped excretory bladder and three groups of acetabular spines. With LM and SEM observation, both species of uninfected fish showed the cycloid-shaped scales, thin, smooth surface, and no have spine in posterior part. Each scale consisted of focus, circuli and radii on the surface. The infected metacercarial scale showed the traces of metacercarial embedding which revealed the circular feature, thick and cracked at the ventral part of scales. The area around metacercarial embedding was surrounded by the thick capsule.

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How to Cite
Chaiwang, N.; Butboonchoo, P.; Wongsawad, C. Prevalence of Haplorchoides sp. Metacercariae and Comparative Morphology of Infected and Uninfected Scales in Cyprinoid fishes from Li River, Lamphun Province. Microsc. Microanal. Res. 2019, 32, 12-17.
The 36th International Conference of The Microscopy Society of Thailand
Author Biography

Nareerat Chaiwang, Chiang Mai University

Departmental of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand


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