Techniques for Preparing Spores and Hyphae of Schizophyllum commune for Morphological Observation.

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Patcharee Umroong


                At present, light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) has been an indispensable tool to further our understanding of cellular and subcellular processes of microbiology. The aim of this study was to microscopy techniques that have been used to study the detail of investigating morphological of spores and hyphae of mushrooms such as the structure of the wall pattern, shape, and size of spores and hyphae of mushrooms. Observation morphological of Schizophyllum commune with a light microscope and transmission electron microscope. The experiment showed that the thickness of Schizophyllum commune for the cell walls, spores have an average of 258.83± 29.685 nm. Range 186.00-347.00 nm. and hyphae have an average of 228.25 ± 45.589 nm. Range 144.00-396.00 nm. Observation morphological of Schizophyllum commune with a scanning electron microscope showed that the hyphae and connected by hypha-clam connection, sporangiospores are spores that are produced in a sporangium cell division mitosis phase. However, the technique necessary used in combination with TEM with SEM to yield much better accuracy. As a result, the morphological characteristics of Schizophyllum commune can be used for species identification of this genus. which knowledge on the morphological study of mushroom taxonomy and other applications mushroom tissues.  In addition to the knowledge from this research, it can be applied for other scientific information such as agriculture, botany, and environmental science and the agro-food and pharmaceutical industry.

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How to Cite
Umroong, P. Techniques for Preparing Spores and Hyphae of Schizophyllum commune for Morphological Observation. Microsc. Microanal. Res. 2020, 33, 22-27.
The 37th International Conference on The Microscopy Society of Thailand


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