Ultrastructural Studies of Ganoderma cf. lucidum cell by microscopic technique.

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Patcharee Umroong
Yupadee Paopun
Yaovapa Aramsirirujiwet


Microscopic techniques have been applied to study the details of hyphae, spores of mushroom morphology for mycelia growth cultured in  potato dextrose agar (PDA) such as the structures of the cell wall pattern, shape, and size of spores and hyphae of mushroom. The examination with transmission electron microscopy, showed that the cell wall thickness of Ganoderma cf. lucidum , spores has an average of 198.46± 105.678 nm. Range 82.90-438.00 nm. and hyphae have an average of 211.26 ± 122.562 nm. Range 59.90-508.00 nm. Morphological studies of Ganoderma cf. lucidum mushroom with scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy showed the characteristics of the hyphae and hypha-clam connection of cultured cells. Ultrastructural studies using microscopic techniques are suitable to study the morphology of Ganoderma cf. lucidum as the basics for further research. In addition to knowing information from this research, it can be applied to other research such as biodiversity, botany as well as information on the food and pharmaceutical industries at present.

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How to Cite
Umroong, P.; Paopun, Y. .; Aramsirirujiwet, Y. Ultrastructural Studies of Ganoderma cf. lucidum cell by microscopic technique. Microsc. Microanal. Res. 2021, 34, 13-18.
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