Development of Multimedia Computer Instruction, Topic: Creating Electronics Book with Desktop Author for Mathayomsuksa 6

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วลัยลักษณ์ ภักดีกำจร
อัญญปารย์ ศิลปนิลมาลย์


           The purposes of the research were 1) to develop the computer multimedia instruction on the creating of electronics book with Desktop Author for Mathayomsuksa 6, 2) to evaluate the quality computer multimedia and 3) to survey the satisfaction of students with the developed computer multimedia instruction. The sample subjects were 43 students of grade 12 room 1 at Rongkhamschool, Rongkham district, Kalasin Province. They were selected by ballot simple random sampling. The research instruments were the computer multimedia instruction, an evaluation form probing efficiency of the developed computer multimedia instruction and a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics for analyzing the data were arithmetic mean and standard deviation.

            Results of the research were follows: 1) the computer multimedia instruction had 11 components, 2) the quality of the computer multimedia instruction was at a high level and 3) regarding the satisfaction, the finding showed that average level of the satisfaction with the developed computer multimedia instruction was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
ภักดีกำจร ว., & ศิลปนิลมาลย์ อ. (2018). Development of Multimedia Computer Instruction, Topic: Creating Electronics Book with Desktop Author for Mathayomsuksa 6. Journal of Applied Information Technology, 1(2), 22–28. retrieved from


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