Needs Assessment of Information for Budget Administration with Information System for Schools under Maueng Prajuabkhirikhan Municipality

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ชาลี ทองย้อย
วีระชัย คอนจอหอ
อัญชนา พานิช


            The purposes of this research was to study needs for information used in budget administration with the information system of schools under Maueng Phrachaupkhirikhan municipality. The twenty-one participated were the administrative personnel involving in school budget administration: A constructed needs assessment questionnaire with a reliability of 0.86 was used for data collection. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that the personnel involving school budget administration needed the information concerned with budgeting at a high level. They needed in each item at the highest levels as the report of total remaining account and report of budget allocation respectively. Also they needed each item at the more level included reports of expenditure, procurement, expenditure in different budget categories, allocation and expenditure balance respectively.

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How to Cite
ทองย้อย ช., คอนจอหอ ว., & พานิช อ. (2018). Needs Assessment of Information for Budget Administration with Information System for Schools under Maueng Prajuabkhirikhan Municipality. Journal of Applied Information Technology, 1(2), 52–57. retrieved from


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