An Ontology Model for Semantic Information Retrieval on Children's Infectious Diseases
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This research aims to; 1) Synthetic the relevant components and technologies to develop an ontology model for semantic information retrieval on children's infectious diseases. 2) Develop an ontology model for semantic information retrieval on children's infectious diseases. 3) Evaluate the performance of the ontology model. 4) Study the user acceptance of the semantic information system. The user includes 400 parents of a newborn baby to 4 years old in Maha Sarakham province by using the accidental sampling method. The research tools included; 1) A questionnaire of the relevant components in developing the information system that answers by the expert. 2) The assessment form of the content and design of the ontology structure. 3) Measurement of the information system acceptance. 4) The ontology prototype for semantic information retrieval on children's infectious diseases. The statistics used in this research, including accuracy, precision, F-measure, average, and standard deviation.
The experiment results found that; 1) the development of an ontological prototype for the semantic information retrieval on children's infectious diseases consists of four parts; 1.1) Ontology Integration 1.2) Semantic Search Engine. 1.3) Local Ontology and 1.4) Wrapper Convert Data Source to OWL. 2) The ontology prototype for semantic information retrieval on children's infectious diseases consists of 6 classes and 52 properties. We created the semantic information system that connects the OWL language and MySQL database using Hozo-Ontology Editor and OAM framework. 3) The assessment result of the ontology prototype is a good level. The performance of the semantic information retrieval system with the accuracy, precision, F-measure is 100%, 92.30%, and 96%, respectively. 4) The user acceptance of the semantic information retrieval system is the highest level.
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