Performance Analysis of Tag Anti-Collision Algorithms Under Accurate the Number of Colliding Tag Estimation Method for RFID Systems

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Norrarat Wattanamongkhol


In the process of identification in RFID systems, a number of tags were required to send signals to nearby readers, a collision would occur. It is very important because it affects the access delay in identification, power consumption of tags, or bandwidth utilization. In this research, we present a novel mathematical models for the performance analysis of tag anti-collision algorithms for RFID systems, including AF-SA, AFS-SA, TA-AF and TA-AFSS. From the experimental results we found that the TA-AFSS algorithm provides the highest efficiency as 0.52 for the number of 100 collided tags in the system

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How to Cite
N. Wattanamongkhol, “Performance Analysis of Tag Anti-Collision Algorithms Under Accurate the Number of Colliding Tag Estimation Method for RFID Systems”, sej, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 17–28, Feb. 2021.
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