Improving the Molding Process Pressed Talcum Powder to Reduce Wastage: A Case Study Pressed Powder Production Line Sample Company


  • Yuthanarong Jongjon Department of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Rajabhat Rajanajarindra University 422 Marupong Road, Na Mueang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province 24000, Thailand
  • Sarinya Prateepchanachai -Department of Industrial Management Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Rajanagarindra Rajabhat University 422 Marupong Road, Na Mueang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province 24000, Thailand
  • Tanatat Monmongkol Department of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Rajabhat Rajanajarindra University 422 Marupong Road, Na Mueang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province 24000, Thailand



Pressed Talcum Powder, Payback Period, New Quality Control Tools


This research is to study the process of forming pressed talcum powder of a sample company. Currently, it has 26 working days per month, with a sample order volume of 78,000 pieces per month or 3,000 pieces per day but the production line can produce no more than 2,000 pieces in a normal working time of 8 hours per day, causing the production line to work overtime 4 hours per day. As a result, the unit cost of the product increases. Researcher uses 3 GEN to observe the actual production site, actual workpieces, and collect factual data. Problems are analyzed with new quality control tools. It was found that, with one stoke of the powder compactor can press only 1 piece of powder, and the staff can release only 1 row of dough trays onto the conveyor. Because the staff other hand must scoop the powder into the funnel to release it into the tray, causing employees fatigue. The data obtained from the analysis use to determine the corrective approach with 5w1h questions technique. Summarize the results of asking questions to design and construct a powder compactor which able to press more than one piece in one stroke and design a device used to automatically release the dough tray to reduce staff fatigue. As a result of the operation, the new powder compactor can operate 4 pieces per 1 working stroke and the tray release machine can automatically release 2 rows of dough trays into the conveyor at a time, which can reduce the work overtime of the production line and has a payback period of 390 day.


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How to Cite

Yuthanarong Jongjon, Sarinya Prateepchanachai, & Tanatat Monmongkol. (2022). Improving the Molding Process Pressed Talcum Powder to Reduce Wastage: A Case Study Pressed Powder Production Line Sample Company. Journal of Industrial Technology and Innovation, 1(1), 246556.