Water Turbidity Test Apparatus by Using an Embedded System


  • Kittiwath Jeebkaew Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat university
  • Kongphope Chaarmart
  • Natthapong Kedwongsa




Water precipitation tester, Jar-Test, Embedded system


The objective of designing a water turbidity testing machine is to create an efficient device for testing the turbidity of water. This testing apparatus was developed to be used in the Srisongkram District, Srisongkram Sub-District, Nakhon Phanom Province. The testing process involves two rounds of testing, with each round consisting of two tests, each lasting for 50 seconds, using the Jar Test method. Through experimentation, it was found that the performance of the water turbidity testing machine with the Embedded-based system was significantly more efficient than the traditional manual testing apparatus. The previous manual system required constant monitoring at each step of the testing process, whereas the new system, controlled by the Embedded system, automated the process, eliminating the need for manual intervention. Additionally, the new testing apparatus is user-friendly, making it suitable for individuals who are not experts in Jar Testing. Overall, the developed water turbidity testing machine effectively fulfills the research objectives.

Keywords: Water precipitation tester, Jar-Test, Embedded system



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How to Cite

Jeebkaew, K., Chaarmart, K., & Natthapong Kedwongsa. (2024). Water Turbidity Test Apparatus by Using an Embedded System. Journal of Industrial Technology and Innovation, 3(1), 251687. https://doi.org/10.55674/snrujiti.v3i1.251687