The Development of EVA Film Tensile Testing Machines and TPT Backsheet Used in The Production of Solar Cell Panels
This research article presents the development of EVA Film Tensile Testing Machines and TPT Backsheet used in the production of solar cell panels. Its goal is to improve the solar cell panel production process at Solar PPM Co., Ltd., which was disrupted by frequent damage to the EVA Film Tensile Testing Machines and TPT Backsheet that were in use. Especially the damage to the machine's mainboard. It takes 3-4 weeks to send for repairs or replace a new mainboard that has to be imported from abroad. Because of this, EVA Film Tensile Testing Machines and TPT Backsheet have been created to be used in the manufacturing of solar cell prototypes. The manual labor is done using the pneumatic system's principles. According to the results of the test, the developed tensile testing machines can produce a tensile force of up to 150 newtons, which can be used to test workpieces. Additionally, by cutting the testing time for specimens from the original 5 minutes per sheet to just 2 minutes per sheet, the testing time for workpieces can be shortened by up to 3 minutes.
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