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ภัทรวัต ปิติวรรณ
อนงค์นาฎ ศรีวิหค
เทพฤทธิ์ บัณฑิตวัฒนาวงศ์


The advancement of Internet technology has caused the increasing amount of knowledge and its complexity on the Internet as well as in education societies. Presently, education conducted in classrooms is no longer enough and not responsive to learners. For this reason, information technologists have developed the model of virtual learning communities. This article presents the study of factors, which encourage the sharing of knowledge for students in online social networks based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and this article might accelerates the skill, knowledge and experience transfers from one own to the others. This sharing will eventually lead to fruitful achievement in the virtual learning communities. According to the results of the analysis, it is found that factors, which encourage the sharing of knowledge are attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. In addition, this article presents a conceptual framework and a method for knowledge sharing in virtual learning communities based on the above theory by using information technologies, ontology and open-source learning platform.

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