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ทนุวงศ์ จักษุพา
เทพฤทธิ์ บัณฑิตวัฒนาวงศ์


This research has two objectives: to develop qualitative factor ontology and to apply the ontology for implementing a semantic search system in developing information technology hands-on examination problems. We used Delphi technique to gather opinions on qualitative factors from experts. The factors were grouped based on the quality criteria of discrimination, difficulty, validity, reliability and objectivity for the development of ontology by using Hozo program and the development of a semantic search system based on the developed ontology base in the form of web application with Ontology Application Management (OAM) Framework. We evaluated the effectiveness of the process with two methods: (1) the suitability evaluation of the ontology’s structure by experts; and (2) the effectiveness evaluation of searching in terms of precision, recall, and F-measure. The results showed that the proposed ontology had the suitability at the good level with the mean of 3.90 and standard deviation of 0.40, and had the excellent level of searching effectiveness with the precision value equal to 1.00, the recall value equal to 1.00, and the F-measure equal to 1.00.

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