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วัชรีวรรณ จิตต์สกุล
สุนันฑา สดสี


This research presents a text classification analysis aiming to compare the stability of
four major types of classifiers, which are a rule based classifier, tree based classifier, probability based classifier, and learning based classifier. In this work, three-benchmark comment datasets, which were collected from “www.imdb.com”, “www.yelp.com”, and “www.amazon.com” (Accessed: 11 November 2016) were used to evaluate the stability of mentioned classifiers, by concerning a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and a paired t-test of predicted accuracy. The results showed that the tree based classifier, which is called Random Forest, presented the greatest stability performance with ROC > 0.80 and the difference of predicted accuracy between 10-fold cross validation and test dataset were “0”.

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