Spatial Perception Analysis of the Socio-Economic Effect of Urban Street Crime in the Residential Neighborhoods in Chittagong City, Bangladesh


  • Mohammad Ali Haider Integrated Science of Built Environment, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Rangsit Center, Thailand-12121
  • Pawinee Iamtrakul Center of Excellence in Urban Mobility Research and Innovation (UMRI), Department of Urban Environmental Planning and Development, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Rangsit Center, Thailand-12121
  • Biswajit Nath Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Chittagong, Chittagong -4331, Bangladesh


Chittagong City, effects of crime, residential neighborhood, spatial perception analysis, victim of street crime


Urban street crime (USC) has an immense effect on the residential neighborhoods (RN) and other sectors of urban life with a variation in the intra-city or intercity. The study explored the spatial perception variation of the socio-economic effects of USC in the RN in Chittagong City (CC), Bangladesh. Household-level questionnaire surveys, key informants interview, group discussion, and in-depth interviews were conducted for primary data collection. Besides, a GPS instrument was used for spatial data collection. Primary data were compared with official crime statistics. Literature was reviewed for the formulation of street crime and methodology development. Qualitative and quantitative techniques and SPSS software were used in data analysis. The study revealed that types of USC are huge, however, city dwellers frequently victims due to snatching, theft, political violence, and eve-teasing. The target of USC is higher in male people compare to women. The vital effect of USC in the RN is psychological, it creates mental panic, and therefore, people scared to move and young adult women hesitate to go outside their home to perform daily activities. In conclusion, further investigation is needed to determine the other causes and effects and solutions of USC for safe and sustainable city life.


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How to Cite

Haider, M. A., Iamtrakul, P., & Nath, B. (2020). Spatial Perception Analysis of the Socio-Economic Effect of Urban Street Crime in the Residential Neighborhoods in Chittagong City, Bangladesh . International Journal of Building, Urban, Interior and Landscape Technology (BUILT), 15, 77–92. retrieved from



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