Satisfaction of Academic Service and Learning Environment for Graduates Student at School of Information Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
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- The purpose of this research was to study student satisfaction toward learning environment and academic services. The samples are graduate students at the School of Information Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. The student satisfaction model is proposed in this research and proves by enquiry the satisfaction from graduate students. The study focuses on four aspects: academic service, library service, audio-visual aids service and the school learning environment. The samples of the study were 898 graduate students who registered in the second semester of academic year 2008. They were classified by gender, age, current fields of study, work experiences, and work status. The instrument for data collection was five point rating scale questionnaire containing 34 questions with reliability of 0.96. The statistics methods used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, T-test, and one way analysis of variance. The research finding revealed that the students had the satisfaction at a moderate level in all aspects, except the aspect of academic service, which was at a high level. Gender was found to have significant difference at 0.05 levels for learning events. Ages and fields of study had no significant difference in all aspects of satisfaction. However, it was found that the satisfaction toward learning environment had significant difference at 0.05 levels. The research result can be used as guidelines for academic service at any Information Technology related School.
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