Apply regression analysis and fuzzy logic to forecast the students status in curriculum of Business Information

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สัตถาภูมิ ไทยพานิช
ผณินทร เสือแพร
พยุง มีสัจ


- This article presents the prediction techniques for the status of students in the department Information technology on Faculty of Business Administration and information technology Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi. Linear regression analysis and fuzzy logic is chosen to generate the predictor model Status of students. Background information of the student in first session of information technology department is academic year 2551 (2008) number 151 people were selected to analyze and create a student status prediction models. Then tested to determine the error in forecasting from background information of the student in first session is academic year 2552(2009) in the same department. The experiment showed that the method presented has the error in the forecast of 0.02%

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How to Cite
ไทยพานิช ส., เสือแพร ผ., and มีสัจ พ., “Apply regression analysis and fuzzy logic to forecast the students status in curriculum of Business Information”, JIST, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 24–29, Dec. 2013.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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