Effects of Label Alignments, Field Lengths and Number of Columns on Completion Time: An Examination of Online Form Using an Eye-Tracking Device

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ศรีรักษ์ โสภณสกุลศักดิ์
ดร.ชัชพงศ์ ตั้งมณี


- Online form is an important tool for data collection. Designed to be easy to use, the user could be happy to cooperate. One measurement of efficiency is completion time, By that definition is start a timer from user begin to enter the form until the transmission. The variables that may affect the design quality include (1) label alignments (2) field lengths and (3) number of columns. Therefore, this study examined the effects of (1) label alignments (2) field lengths and (3) number of columns on completion time with eye-tracking device. The analysis indicated that the effect of field lengths and number of columns are statistically significant on completion time at the 0.05 level, but the effects of label alignments was not significant. In addition to extending knowledge of online form’s design, researchers also may be used as the basis for the design of the form as well.

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How to Cite
โสภณสกุลศักดิ์ ศ. and ตั้งมณี ด., “Effects of Label Alignments, Field Lengths and Number of Columns on Completion Time: An Examination of Online Form Using an Eye-Tracking Device”, JIST, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 39–49, Dec. 2013.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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