Application of Geo-informatics to Analyze Street Light Performance have been Affected by Air Pollution: Case study in Mueng Mahasarakham Municipality

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นุชนาฏ บัวศรี
ชนินทร จิตรกลาง


- Geo-informatics application for analyzing the efficiency of street lighting bulbs affected by air pollution. The data collected from each pole in the study area were collected. And count the traffic from the five points of the traffic. Calculate polution with CALINE 4 and shows the spatial data by estimating the range (IDW) and analyzing the air pollution by Cluster and Outlier technique. Pollution value of pollutants Calculate the luminous flux of the lamp. And the model that has the effect of polluting the calculations. Analysis of air pollution It found that pollutants were swarming in heavy traffic areas. Analysis of the luminous efficiency. The normal values of sodium lamps, high vapor pressure (HPS) and fluorescent (Flu) lamps are 10.56 lux and 2.16 lux respectively, as a result of carbon monoxide (CO) And particulate matter (Pm10), resulting in higher sodium vapor pressure, higher vapor pressure Fluorescent lamps and fluorescent lamps were reduced to 6.33 lux and 1.26 lux, respectively. The efficiency of light bulbs was 40% and 41.67%, respectively. Directly to the luminous efficiency of the lamp.

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How to Cite
บัวศรี น. and จิตรกลาง ช., “Application of Geo-informatics to Analyze Street Light Performance have been Affected by Air Pollution: Case study in Mueng Mahasarakham Municipality”, JIST, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1–9, Dec. 2017.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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