Efficiency Comparison of Temperature and Humidity Control System Suitable for The Growth of Mushroom House : Case Study in Ban Noen Sa-at, Nakhon Phanom Province
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Recently, the development of the mushroom house at Ban Noen Sa-at, Nakhon Phanom Province, become a main problem in terms of temperature and humidity of mushrooms and are difficult to control. Thus affecting the productivity and tardily in each season. This research aims to compare the efficiency non-temperature and humidity control system and temperature and humidity control systems suitable for the growth of mushroom house. We starting with education and information gathering and research related to the cultivation of the mushroom then began designing the temperature and humidity controlled, 5 days for experiment. We found mushroom house non-temperature and humidity control system is not flowering. On average, the temperature is 32.28 degrees celsius and the humidity is 75.09% and mushroom house with the temperature and humidity control system can flowering and harvest faster. On average, the temperature is 30.40 degrees celsius and the humidity is 86.37%. The angle mushrooms harvesting 4 unit grow up faster than hungary mushroom harvesting 2 unit and abalone mushroom is not flowering. Percentage for mushroom grow up 40%, 20% and 0%, respectively.
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