Three-dimensional Thai Literature Book: Holwichai and Kawee with Augmented Reality Technology on Android Operating System

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ชาญชัย ศุภอรรถกร
เกศราภรณ์ ไชยสุวรรณ


The purpose of this research were to 1) Design and development of a three-dimensional Thai literature book: Holwichai and Kawee with augmented reality technology on android operating system. 2) Satisfaction study with three-dimensional Thai literature book: Holwichai and Kawee. Story was simulated in animation. The results showed that 1) There are 6 steps in design and development process, consisting of 13 scenes of story in three-dimensional. 2) The satisfaction study of 50 users showed the average of users’ satisfaction was in strongly agree level (= 4.64) and standard deviations (S.D.) at 0.58. It was found that the three-dimensional Thai literature book: Holwichai and Kawee for enhancement of understanding, increased motivation to learn, and cultural preservation.

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How to Cite
ศุภอรรถกร ช. and ไชยสุวรรณ เ., “Three-dimensional Thai Literature Book: Holwichai and Kawee with Augmented Reality Technology on Android Operating System”, JIST, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 13–23, Dec. 2019.
Research Article: Multidisciplinary (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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