EEG Effectiveness of Virtual Reality the Study Acrophobia for the Emotional Elicitation

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ภูวดล ศิริกองธรรม
วรภัทร ไพรีเกรง


The anxiety can be phobia to objects or situations which makes people unable to control fear and cannot confront with frightened situation. So the people will try to avoid such a situation. When they encounter or expect to be confronted with something that they fear, the situation will cause severe anxiety and lead to physical appearance such as shaking, sweating or heart pounding. This anxiety greatly affects personal being. Therefore, this research aims to study the changes in electroencephalogram (EEG) related to specific anxiety (Acrophobia). The samples in the experiment can be divided into 2 groups which are experimental group and controlled group using anxiety screening test by Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and virtual reality for simulating the scenarios. When the controlled group wears the virtual reality glasses, the ecosystems and environment enforce the samples feel uncomfortable and anxious. This leads to the changes in electroencephalogram and measured by Neurosky MindWave. The Paired sample t-test has been used in this experiment. It showed that the frequency of Alpha, Beta and Gamma waves had been increased significantly with 0.05 (p≤0.05), whereas Delta and Theta waves had not been changed. The benefits of this research will be the guidelines for managing the problems related to immediate and fatal anxiety. It can be extended to measure the fear and anxiety for psychological patients directly using electroencephalogram. This method can measure brainwave and obtain the actual data rather than using questionnaire.

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How to Cite
ศิริกองธรรม ภ. and ไพรีเกรง ว., “EEG Effectiveness of Virtual Reality the Study Acrophobia for the Emotional Elicitation”, JIST, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 56–62, Dec. 2019.
Research Article: Human-Computer Interaction (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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