Ontology-based Knowledge Management System with a Case Study on The East-West Economic Corridor

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Pattama Charoenporn


This research aims to develop a knowledge management system with an ontology case study of the East-West Economic Corridor. The operation began with data collection from a sample group using purposive sampling. The sample group consisted of 400 people living in Mukdahan, Kalasin and Khon Kaen province, Thailand with a good knowledge of tourism. The data used to create a database for tourism ontology is derived from tacit and explicit data, divided into 3 Domain classes. The domain class consists of 4 levels of class hierarchy. The relationship between the ontology is divided into 3 types. The knowledge creation process uses the SECI Model and the creation of knowledge data using Taxonomy relationship to establish relationship with the knowledge management system database. The knowledge management system created by the research can be used on both web application and mobile application. In system testing, there are two methods. One is to test the functions by using the User Acceptance Test and test the data recall by finding the F-measure level. The F-measure is 87% and the average time of the data recall is 0.11 seconds. The system is considered to have a good search performance. As for the results of the User Acceptance Test, the results passed all the criteria. The final step is to test the user satisfaction with the QUIS questionnaire. The result of the satisfaction assessment that is over level 5 in all items makes it possible to conclude that the developed knowledge management system provides satisfactory results to the users of the system. In the future, there may be additions to improve knowledge in other areas or added prediction of tourists' interest in choosing tourist destinations to cover more of the development of knowledge management systems.

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How to Cite
P. Charoenporn, “Ontology-based Knowledge Management System with a Case Study on The East-West Economic Corridor ”, JIST, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 98–113, Jun. 2020.
Research Article: Information Systems (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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