A Study of Following News from News Agencies on Facebook and Political Preferences

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Nattapong Kongaium
Chetneti Srisa-An


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the behavior of receiving media from Thailand’s news agencies on Facebook medium to be able to use in the news agency's public relations planning. 2) To study a relationship between preferences for political parties and news agencies on Facebook. The results showed that most of the respondents were female, aged between 26-43 years old, educated at a bachelor's degree. Have a career in government service/state enterprise and average monthly income between 15,001 - 30,000 baht, having a single status and having 3-4 family members. The news and the main occupation had a statistically significant relationship. In the aspect of the hypothesis, the relationship between news agencies on Facebook. With political party preference was found to have a statistically significant relationship.

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How to Cite
N. Kongaium and C. Srisa-An, “A Study of Following News from News Agencies on Facebook and Political Preferences”, JIST, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 79–88, Dec. 2023.
Research Article: Social and Business Aspects of Convergence IT


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