Autotrophic production of bio-functional proteins from freshwater microalgae using natural water medium for an economical and ecofriendly approach
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As natural repositories of a broad spectrum of bioactive compounds ranging from pigments and enzymes to unique fatty acids and proteins, microalgae have attracted growing interest for their potential to produce bio-functional proteins. This comprehensive study examines the autotrophic cultivation of freshwater microalgae, focusing on protein production using a photobioreactor and natural water as the growth medium. The cultivation strategy eliminated the need for supplemented nutrients, enhancing environmental sustainability and cost- effectiveness. The study achieved a biomass production rate of 0.262 mg/L/day and a notable protein yield of 27.69 mg/L/day. Our findings support the feasibility and efficacy of employing natural water as a cultivation medium for freshwater microalgae for protein production. This approach alleviates the environmental burden associated with synthetic growth media and contributes to reducing operational costs. The study thus demonstrates the potential for this methodology to pave the way for a new, eco-friendly, and economically sustainable paradigm in the production of algal bio-functional proteins. Moreover, the widespread availability of natural resources makes this approach highly adaptable and scalable for larger production systems.
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