The study of Standards and Criteria in Building Design for Energy Conservation or Standards Code (BEC) : Case Study of Sirindhorn

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สัณศณีย์ คงศิลป
ภูบดินทร์ บางระหัด
จักรพงศ์ ไชยานุพัทธกุล


The tool used in this project study focuses on the BEC program or Building Energy Code (this project uses Version 1.0.6). It is a program developed for building inspection in accordance with building energy conservation standards. The study focuses on studying buildings that are designed, completed, construction, by checking the building design according to the energy conservation standards in the building. Which will inspect the Sirindhorn Building, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin

           From the study found that The building before the renovation has the total energy consumption of 714,146.91 kilowatts per hour per year. And reference buildings according to standard criteria The total energy consumption is 1,650,875.86 kilowatt hours per year. Therefore, the total energy use in Sirindhorn building Therefore is less than the reference building of 936,728.95 kilowatt-hours per year. Which can meet the total energy consumption criteria of the building as specified by the Ministry of Or the size of the building and the standards, criteria and methods in designing for energy conservation But the total heat transfer of the exterior wall of the building in the air conditioner (OTTV) area is 63.060 watts per square meter. (Which do not pass the benchmark)

          The possibility of investing in school buildings to reduce energy use From the guidelines for building improvements by installing such shading devices, this method of OTTV and RTTV values ​​can pass the benchmark. The cost of building improvements increased by approximately 2,186,760.00 baht. Electricity usage decreased by 32,020.76 kilowatt-hours per year. Can save electricity approximately 128,083.04 baht per year (average electricity cost 4 baht kilowatt per hour), payback period of 17 years

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How to Cite
คงศิลป ส., บางระหัด ภ. ., & ไชยานุพัทธกุล จ. . (2020). The study of Standards and Criteria in Building Design for Energy Conservation or Standards Code (BEC) : Case Study of Sirindhorn. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 2(3), 1–15. retrieved from
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