Environmental and Structural Assessment for Port Improvements

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ภาคภูมิ มงคลสังข์
ไตรทศ ขำสุวรรณ
จิรวิท พึ่งน้อย
สมภพ พึ่งเสมา


This paper presents a guideline for the EIA and the inspection of berthing structures for port renovations. Environmental considerations include 1. Change of environment around the project Topography Low height plus the length of coastline, Changes in marine ecology, Dredging of a channel that changes the direction and speed of the water currents. 2. Change of type: The size and volume of ships entering and departing at the jetty that affect coastal erosion and seawater quality Transportation 3. Community attitude and acceptance: The level of interference affected by pollution. 4. Environmental quality measurement data such as air quality, noise level, seawater quality, and ecology includes the area of ​​a chemical or fuel storage tank and a safety control system. The evaluation and verification of long-lived berth structures can have a material degradation effect. Thus, structural inspection is required using nondestructive and semi-destructive testing methods. Evaluation and inspection of long-lived berth structures can have a material degradation effect. Thus, structural inspection is required using nondestructive and semi-destructive testing methods. Together with the physical data of the structure, both in terms of material properties Details in engineering and geotechnical engineering, Ship data, Hydrographic data, wind speed data, bollard, fender data. The data were further analyzed to assess the stability of the port structure. The study found that Environmental and structural impact assessments prior to port renovations will ensure a safe and sustainable coexistence with the community.

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How to Cite
มงคลสังข์ ภ., ขำสุวรรณ ไ., พึ่งน้อย จ., & พึ่งเสมา ส. (2021). Environmental and Structural Assessment for Port Improvements. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 3(2), 45–55. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJST/article/view/244978
Research Articles


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