Development of a pavement sub base compaction from rubber latex sludge mixed cement and newspaper for adding value waste from latex factory

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ณิชาภา มินาบูลย์
ประพัฒน์ สีใส
Apised Suwansaard


This research is to study Sub Base Compaction from Rubber Latex Sludge Mixed Cement and Newspaper for Adding value Waste from Latex Factory. The results showed that, from the design of 5 formulas, the materials Rubber cake pulp: Cement: Paper at ratio 934: 100: 50 (kg) has the best CBR when considering the suitability for use in different ways. It was found to be at a fair level in material handling. Because of the rubber dough residue, it is a lightweight material (Department of Highways) when mixed with cement and paper to improve its engineering properties. It was found to be more likely to be used to improve the stability of the itch and to reduce the collapse. When the paper is mixed with the cementitious us pulp in the ratio of 10, 25 and 50 kg, respectively, it will increase the capacity (CBR.) To increase from 0.99 to 3.90% according to the amount of paper. Added the rate of swelling decreases when the rubber granules are removed with cement and newspaper.

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How to Cite
มินาบูลย์ ณ., สีใส ป., & Suwansaard, A. (2022). Development of a pavement sub base compaction from rubber latex sludge mixed cement and newspaper for adding value waste from latex factory . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 4(2), 53–64. retrieved from
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