Efficiency of rubber residual on the engineering properties for embankment

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จักราวุธ ตันสกุล
ศุภชัย ไทยพุ่ม
นพดล สุดสุย


Nowadays, a number of rubbers from industrial become waste and have been continuously annually increased. Application of rubber tires for geotechnical engineering purposes is an alternative for reducing tire waste by mixed shredded tire and soils as light weight material in order to compact the soil on the soft clay layer. Therefore, this research is to study the engineering properties of rubber tires and rubber from industrial mixed with lateritic soil at various ratio by mean of compaction test and C.B.R. test. Moreover, the tank model under a same condition in laboratory was prepared for a plate bearing test. The obtained results reveal that the dry density significantly decreased with increasing of rubber portion. The field experiment with lightweight penetration test was used to evaluate the engineering properties. The results found that the number of blows(N) was decreasing with the increase in rubber content, and the number of blows(N) was increasing with the increase in depth. Finally, the diagram relating different properties established herein and could be applied to evaluate the engineering properties of alternative material (Soil mixed rubber tires) from lightweight penetration test.

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How to Cite
ตันสกุล จ., ไทยพุ่ม ศ., & สุดสุย น. (2022). Efficiency of rubber residual on the engineering properties for embankment . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 4(2), 40–52. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJST/article/view/246075
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