Development of an information system for preventive maintenance management for medical equipment in hospitals

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ณัฐดนัย สิงห์คลีวรรณ
ศิริกาญจน์ โพธิ์เขียว
อาทร สรรพานิช
ธีรวิทย์ อัศวศิลปะกุล
กัลยา ธนาสินธุ์
อมรรัตน์ คำบุญ


The purpose of this research was to develop an information system for preventive maintenance management the medical equipment in hospitals. It is a web-based application and working which a Client/Server, developed with PHP Version 7.3.10 and MySQL Database Version 8.0.17 as a database system.

Using a Rapid Prototyped-base Methodology for developed an information system. Starting by collecting data from users to analyze and design work processes and develop prototypes for the expert team to review each part and corrections according to the commentary.

After completing the entire system, satisfaction was evaluated by a team of 9 experts in medical equipment management. It was found that the average of all satisfaction was at the highest level (4.53). Satisfied with the highest 3 rankings, which are 1) the overall system operation speed (4.70), 2) the overall system operation accuracy (4.65), and 3) the accuracy of the system in adding data. Database connection speed Improved recording speed and data presentation speed (4.61)

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สิงห์คลีวรรณ ณ. ., โพธิ์เขียว ศ. ., สรรพานิช อ. ., อัศวศิลปะกุล ธ. ., ธนาสินธุ์ ก. ., & คำบุญ อ. . (2023). Development of an information system for preventive maintenance management for medical equipment in hospitals. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 7–25. retrieved from
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