Using Data Mining Techniques to Develop Models for Credit Card Payment Amounts

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Sarinna Maplook
Neunghatai Chaiarporn
Siriporn Samutwachirawong


The goals of this study were to create a credit card payment amount model utilizing data mining techniques by using the following four methods: regression analysis, artificial neural networks, support vector machines for regression, and maroon peak (Model Tree: M5P). The amount of credit card payments from March 2015 to August 2022 served as the study's source of data. The experimental findings indicate that, at 7.80% of MMRE, the maroon peak (Model Tree: M5P) was the model with the highest performance for prediction.

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How to Cite
Maplook, S., Chaiarporn, N., & Samutwachirawong, S. . (2023). Using Data Mining Techniques to Develop Models for Credit Card Payment Amounts. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 1–6. retrieved from
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