Designing and Developing State-of-the-art electric vehicle powertrains with Hardware-in-the-loop System

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สกฤษฎ์ หนูสว่าง
คณาพจน์ ยอดมณี ยอดมณี
ปฏิพัทธ์ ทวนทอง
Songklod Sriprang


This paper presents the design and development of modern electric vehicle powertrains with the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL). The proposed HIL system uses Matlab/Simulink as the main program in operation for coding the program, which controls the powertrain and connects to the 3-phase inverter. The 3-phase inverter acts as the hardware connected to the electric motor of an electric vehicle. The dSPACE DS1202 MicroLabBox Control Desk is a processing unit that serves as an embedded system. It transmits a control signal to the powertrain control. The design and development of modern electric vehicle powertrains with the HIL system allow powertrain engineers to easily determine the parameters of electric motors and design linear control systems such as PI control systems and non-linear control systems. The functional simulations and experimental results are presented in this study to confirm the effective operation.

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How to Cite
หนูสว่าง ส. ., ยอดมณี ค. ย., ทวนทอง ป. ., & Sriprang, S. (2023). Designing and Developing State-of-the-art electric vehicle powertrains with Hardware-in-the-loop System. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 94–107. retrieved from
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