Temperature effects on a mixture of recycled asphalt concrete pavement and lateral soil

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Piyachat Chattonjai
Weeraporn Phongtinnaboot
Pawinee Khaemwong
Suvijak Aimjit


Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), widely used by mixing with other material for road structure material or Asphalt Hot – Mix Recycling, is the reuse of old asphalt concretes that was removed by milling machines. RAP contains two elements of asphalt and aggregates that can’t be used directly for road structure work without mixing or adding with another material due to it have no ability to densify by conventional compaction technique. This research focusses on how to use RAP as a backfill material without the pavement on the top of surface which the compacted material directly receives the solar heat. The results show that the appropriate mix proportion of laterite soil and RAP improves the engineering properties of RAP in both room and ambient temperature of 60 degrees. This research also presents the method to fine the appropriate mix proportion of both material in term of engineering properties and construction cost.

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How to Cite
Chattonjai, P., Phongtinnaboot, W., Khaemwong, P., & Aimjit, S. (2023). Temperature effects on a mixture of recycled asphalt concrete pavement and lateral soil. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 5–13. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJST/article/view/250231
Research Articles


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