An Experimental Study of Solar Chili Dryer with Volcanic Rock Thermal Storage
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The aimed of this research to experimentally study of chili solar dryer efficiency with volcanic rock thermal storage. The first solar dryer was a solar dryer without volcanic rock thermal storage (SD1). The second solar dryer was a solar dryer with basalt rock thermal storage (SD2). The last solar dryer was a solar dryer with pumice rock thermal storage (SD3). The air flow rate was varied to 0.0142 m3/s 0.0208 m3/s and 0.0279 m3/s. The chili was dried to final moisture content of 13% (w.b.) from the initial moisture content was 75% (w.b.). The result from drying found that the solar dryer efficiency increased when the air flow rate was increased for all test set. The maximum solar dryer efficiency in this test when the air flow rate of 0.0279 m3/sec. The average efficiency of the solar dryer without volcanic rock thermal storage, the solar dryer with basalt rock thermal storage and the solar dryer with pumice rock thermal storage were 25.34%, 28.00% and 30.73%, respectively. The lowest drying time of solar dryer with pumice rock thermal storage was 23.20 hours and the highest efficiency was 30.73%
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