Study of color and nutrition value of biscuit products adding with banana blossom flour

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Kitiya Suhem
Vijitra Plongbunjong
Thidarat Intalat
Suchada Chanasri
Saranyaporn Srivasopa


The purpose of this research was to study 3 types of solutions (rice washing water, honey solution, 2% citric acid solution) using distilled water as a control to inhibit the browning reaction of banana blossom. Banana blossom flour is then used to replace wheat flour in biscuit products. Color physical characteristics (L* a* b*) of banana blossom flour and nutritional values (fat, protein, dietary fiber) of biscuits were analyzed. The experimental results showed that Rice water was the best to inhibit the browning reaction. It was found that the brightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) were better than both solutions. In addition, biscuits fortified with banana flower flour at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 had lightness (L*) of 70.40, 27.36, 26.60, 29.19, 28, 92 and redness (a*) was 3.34, 6.40, 5.84, 6.06, 6.64 and the yellowness (b*) was 27.94, 10.55, 10.50, 12.69, 15.12 respectively. Biscuits are substituted with banana blossom flour 25%, protein, fat and dietary fiber values are 1.38, 22.65, 62.05 percent. While, the control formula biscuits were 0.59, 20.47, 15.48 percent, respectively, with a statistically significant difference (p≤0.05).

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How to Cite
Suhem, K. ., Plongbunjong, V. ., Intalat, . T. ., Chanasri, S. ., & Srivasopa, S. . (2024). Study of color and nutrition value of biscuit products adding with banana blossom flour. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 6(1), 12–20. retrieved from
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