A study of radiation measurement using CMOS camera in smartphones digital camera
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Background: X-ray radiography has played a vital role as a part of radiation technique in non-destructive testing (NDT). This technique is utilized as a tool which is invisible by visual inspection. Combining the availability of smart phone and the high efficiency of their CMOS camera, there has been an interest in using smart phone as a radiation monitoring device. Objectives: This research aims to study a radiation counting system using a CMOS camera in smartphones with Android and IOS systems, in comparison with ionization chambers. Materials and Methods: The X-ray counting system in this study consists of an X-ray generator, smartphones with Android and IOS systems, ionization chambers and the ImageJ program for image analysis. The distance from X-ray generator to image receptor (smartphone) was set at 100 cm. The voltage of the X-ray generator was fixed at 100 kVp, while the exposure time was varied from 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 mAs. The radiographic images were received by a CMOS sensor of the digital camera in the smartphones, which were sealed with duct tape to avoid any unrelated visible light. The radiographic images were analyzed in terms of image intensity, radiation counting capability, and standard deviation (S.D.). Results: Experimental results showed that the exposure time (mAs) of X-ray generator affects the quality of radiographic images in terms of radiation counting value, image intensity, and noise. Image intensities of radiographic images darkened with increasing exposure time from 2 to 20 mAs. The radiation counting value and image noise increased with increasing exposure time in the range of 2 to 12 mAs. A similar phenomenon was also observed by using ionization chambers. However, the exposure time level cannot exceed 8 mAs since it is over the limit of a CMOS sensor. Conclusion: The X-ray counting system using radiographic images from a smartphone proposed in this research is an important basis for developing a radiation counting system, as well as other different techniques in the future.
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