The Development of Knowledge Sharing Platform for Lifelong Learning Community Case Study of Sam Khok District, Pathum Thani Province
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The purpose of this research was to collect knowledge and develop community learning resources to promote lifelong learning characteristics in the people by using digital technology to create a knowledge sharing community platform that consists of media contents and digital learning resources for lifelong learning in Sam Khok district, Pathum Thani province. The samples used in the experiment were divided into 3 groups: teachers, students, and local people in Sam Khok, Pathum Thani, for a total of 150 people. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent. It was found that the community learning resources consisted of three components: the people, the place, and the tradition and culture. The results of the analysis of the needs for the development of the community's learning resources found that most people (86 percent) agreed that the website was the first preferred channel for presenting learning resources. The researcher therefore developed a learning platform as a web application on a domain called “”. Web application performance assessment results from the experts found that the overall web application performance was appropriate at a high level (=4.33, S.D.=0.57), and satisfaction assessment results from a sample group of 150 people found that the overall satisfaction of the web application was at a high level (=4.48, S.D.=0.56). In summary, the follow-up results of knowledge transfer from the sample group found that most of them applied the knowledge acquired to develop learning materials for teaching and learning and school activity materials, including transferring knowledge to personnel in the organization. In the overview part of this follow-up Most of the project participants benefited from being able to apply their knowledge to simple technologies such as smartphones and computers to develop learning materials and write articles on the platform, which can be practically used in both work and everyday life on social media.
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