Producing Healthy Wines rich in antioxidants from coffee cherry peels Arabica cultivars

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Patthanant Natpinit
Achara Chaiongkarn


This investigation aims to produce a healthy wine with antioxidants from cherry coffee peel Arabica cultivars that antioxidants obtained are phenolic compounds with high antioxidant activity. Factors affecting the amount of antioxidants include the amount of fresh or dried cherry coffee peels. Factors affecting wine production include the type and amount of yeast used as well as the proportion between cherry coffee peel and fermented water etc. The research showed that producing healthy wine from coffee cherry peels at a ratio of dried coffee peels of 50 g per 3 L of fermented solution or 1.7% by weight per volume. Fermented inoculum with instant yeast for producing sweet bread at a ratio of 20 g of yeast per 3 L of fermentation with a sweetness of
20 oBrix under fermentation conditions at room temperature. The fermentation period was 5-14 days. It was found that the production of healthy wines containing antioxidants in the form of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity in the form of DPPH and FRAP of dried coffee cherry peels was greater than fresh coffee cherry peels. The healthy wines obtained 15% of alcohol content, phenolic compound 33.56+0.35 mg gallic acid/g coffee peel, and antioxidant activity in the form of DPPH as 11.88+0.04 mg. ascorbic acid/g coffee peel. The antioxidant activity was 32.42+0.15% and the antioxidant activity in the form of FRAP was 7.55+0.02 mg FeSO4/g coffee peel.

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How to Cite
Natpinit, P., & Chaiongkarn, A. . (2024). Producing Healthy Wines rich in antioxidants from coffee cherry peels Arabica cultivars. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 6(2), 29–39. retrieved from
Research Articles


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