Performance and Economics Evaluation of Automatic Multi-Rotary Orange Juice Squeezer Machine

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Tirawat Wongsatiam
Samerkhwan Tantikul
Nigran Homdoung


Some seasons in Thailand, orange production causes an oversupply of oranges in the market and results in the price of oranges falling. Development of orange juice machines and processing of oranges into freshly squeezed orange juice and that is a way to solve problems and add value to oranges. The objective of this research was to evaluate the appropriate performance of orange juicers and analyze economics for their use by farmers, entrepreneurs, and community enterprises. Orange juice squeezer machine prototype consist of 4 set of Juicing machine and constructed from stainless steel. The squeezer head was made from superlene. The machine was used a 1 hp electric motor to feed, cut and squeeze of orange. The experiment was adjusted speed of Juicing in a range of 5-15 rpm, 2-3 mm of clearance and tested with the size of Sai Nam Phueng orange fruit in No.2 (45-50 mm), No.3 (50-55 mm) and No.4 (55-60 mm). The experiment was found that, the automatic orange juicer was provided the highest work efficiency of 97.60%, the optimal speed of Juicing and clearance was achieved of 10 rpm and 2 mm respectively with occurred in No.3 of oranges size. The highest squeeze rate was obtained at 600 kg/h. At highest work efficiency, the cost of squeezing orange fruits was between of 0.12-0.19 baht/kg and when used for hired to squeeze orange juice, the payback period was obtained in a range of 0.02-0.68 year or 7-248 days with the labor cost for squeezing oranges between of 1-4 baht/kg

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How to Cite
Wongsatiam, T., Tantikul, S. ., & Homdoung, N. (2024). Performance and Economics Evaluation of Automatic Multi-Rotary Orange Juice Squeezer Machine. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 6(2), 57–78. retrieved from
Research Articles


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