Creating Decision Support System for Road Freight Transportation Route Selection with Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Approach
multiple criteria decision-making, freight transportation route selection, fuzzy logic, decision support systemAbstract
The objective of this study is to create a decision support system in order to select an appropriate road freight transportation route by applying fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making approaches. The decision support system comprises three parts. The first part is a database, which collects data of road freight transportation routes between origins and destinations by using the Beresford’s cost model and standard criteria for fuzzy risk assessment of road freight physical characteristics. The second part is a weight calculation, which is designed to calculate weights of decision criteria by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. The third part is route selection part, which is used to select the most appropriate road freight transportation route by using fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution. The main mechanism of the route selection part considers transportation cost, transit time, fuzzy risk levels of each aspect, and weights of each decision criterion. The route selection part can prioritize road freight transportation route by ordering the closeness coefficients in descending order. This research study applied the proposed decision support system with the road freight transportation route selection from a warehouse to Mukdahan customs. The results demonstrated that the proposed decision support system can well solve the problem of road freight transportation route selection. It compromises all decision-making elements to find the most appropriate alternative, and yields high effective decision results.
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