A Comparison of the Efficiency of Data Mining Techniques to Create a Model for Forecasting the Use of Cosmetic Products Containing Aloe Vera for Small and Medium-Sized Community Enterprises in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province
Data mining, Classification, Aloe vera cosmeticsAbstract
The objectives of this study were to compare the efficiencies of the algorithms and feature selection methods used in data mining techniques in order to create the demand forecasting models for Aloe Vera cosmetic products. The data used in this study consisted of a total of 1,034 data sets. Feature selection was performed in order to select only key features by using CfsSubsetEval and InfoGainAttributeEval in combination with data classification and decision tree techniques. In this study, four techniques were used, including NaïveBayes, MultilayerPerceptron (MLP), J48 and REPTree. The results showed that the use of MLP neural network data mining technique in combination with InfoGainAttributeEval, a feature selection method, showed highest efficiency with an accuracy of 93.54%. The comparison of efficiencies showed that MLP technique can be used in forecasting and as a guide for niche marketing in order to provide advice on purchasing Aloe Vera cosmetic products to interested consumers for better access.
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