Application of Particle Swarm Optimization to solve Helicopter Arc Routing Problems for High Voltage Transmission Line Inspection
high voltage transmission line, helicopter, capacitated arc routing problem, particle swarm optimizationAbstract
Electric power is very essential for human daily life. Each year, the demand for electricity is steadily increasing until it affects the production of electricity with limited resources and production potential. Therefore, responsible organizations must balance electricity generation and ensure the safety of electricity consumers. One thing such organizations can do to create safety is to inspect high-voltage transmission lines to ensure they are available and ready to use at all times. By inspecting high-voltage transmission lines, it is necessary to obtain a work plan and minimize operating costs. The capacitated arc routing problem was used as a model for constructing a mathematical model for high-voltage transmission lines, and particle swarm optimization was applied in this research. The mathematical model created can only be used to find answers for small samples and it takes a reasonable amount of time to process the program. However, for large-scale cases and real-world scenarios, it cannot provide answers within a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, in the next step of the research, the cluster-particle metaheuristic method was employed to find additional answers.
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