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Nowadays, the global warming is becoming more intense issue for human. Due to daily human activities, greenhouse gases are increased and they affects the global climate change. One of the effects of the global climate change is heavy rainfall events in many regions around the world. As aforesaid, the north of Thailand also confronts this issue, heavy rainfall, for example in 2010, heavy rainfall caused landslide damaging many people lives and property in Pong and Chiang Kham districts of Phayao province. Consequently, this paper aims to study the effect of the climate change causing the heavy rainfall event in Pong and Chiang Kham districts of Phayao province. The general circulation models (GCMs) using statistical minification are utilized for explanation of the future climate exchange in term of daily rainfall. The results were then predicted the rainfall and heavy rainfall occurrence in the future by comparing with the real observation data from meteorological station in the past. From this study, the result concluded that the rainfall in Pong district has increased approximately 8.0% - 30.0% during 2012-2098. Also, Chiang Kham district has increased 9.0%-35.0% during 2011-2099. Finally, the results of rainfall from GCMs in the future can be used for being on guard of future flood and landslide in the study area.
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